While choosing granite kitchen countertops, it would be wise to also take a look at the merits and demerits of using these. Don’t just go for what you see or what you are explained in a positive manner. Understanding the demerits can help you take preventive measures to enjoy granite countertops for a long time without paying for repairs and maintenance.

These tips are shared in honest discussion with granite selection experts working for reliable brands like Casa Granite quartz countertops. If you have any concerns or queries regarding granite kitchen countertops, you can reach out to the manufacturer directly or seek guidance from your kitchen designer.

Pros and cons of choosing granite countertops for kitchen:

Let’s begin with the pros of choosing granite countertops for kitchen:

  1. Durability: Granites help in constructing durable commercial and residential projects. Due to their natural state, unique existence, and sustainability, these stick to your kitchen for long. The best part is that these also sustain chemical reactions.
  2. Resistance power: Granites make an excellent selection for kitchen countertops due to their heat resistance ability. Hot pans and pots are placed directly without harming the texture of the granite.
  3. Resale value: Granites make an excellent choice as they improve the value of the property due to various benefits that come along.
  4. Natural existence: Granite kitchen countertops are natural and thus, these are exactly how you desire them to be in real.
  5. Unique nature: Every granite slab has a unique natural texture/pattern. Similar to marbles, no two granites will be same. Thus, your kitchen countertop will remain unique and cannot be imitated by others.

Let’s begin with the cons of choosing granite countertops for kitchen:

  1. The price is cheaper: Buying good-quality granite kitchen countertops from reliable brands are also a cheap deal. Thus, everyone has it in their kitchen. It makes them common and not unique.
  2. Maintenance costs: Granites are expected to be sealed annually to sustain its shine and beauty. Sealant helps in preventing stains and dust. Thus, it can add to maintenance cost.
  3. Expensive installation: The thicker the granite, the higher will be its installation cost. Those with restricted budget may have to compromise on the thickness of the material.

Look for reliable brands like Casa Granite quartz countertops that do not let you worry about installation granite kitchen countertops.